5 Bedroom Residential Dueling At Ilorin, Kwara State
The proposed design is a 5-bedroom duplex located in the heart of Gerewu area, of Ilorin, Kwara State. Sitting Majestically on 864.742m2 of landmass,it is characterized by a unique contemporary architectural style, and equipped with a well landscaped terrain.
The design is carefully and precisely drafted to meet the various accommodation needs of the client. Besides the ample spaces designed to accommodate not fewer that seven (7) vehicles, the design also features an 11.4m2 gate house and an adequate space carved out to house a 1.2m x 2.4m generator.
This proposal comprises of a unit of 5-bedroom dueling, and another unit of a 2-bedroom apartment sitting side by side.
The duplex features a general living room, a dining room, an ample kitchen with store, laundry, a guest room, a master’s bedroom and two others rooms all ensuite. Terraces are also provided to give an aerial view of the property. All rooms are well lit and properly ventilated.
Project Status: Completed
Project Cost: $200,000
Practice Engagement: Architects & Project Managers
Project Gallery